
Crowns and Bridges

Crowns and Bridges services offered in Bethesda, MD

Crowns and bridges are among the most popular restorative treatments performed by Ellen Brodsky, DDS, Andrew Schliep, DDS, and the team at Art and Dentistry in Bethesda, Maryland. If you need to replace or restore your natural teeth, schedule a visit to learn more about your options, including crowns and bridges. To see what Crowns and Bridges can do for you, call Art and Dentistry today.

Crowns and Bridges Q & A

What are crowns and bridges?

Crowns and bridges are restorative treatments that help create a healthy, appealing smile. They are some of the most common treatments in the industry, including at Art and Dentistry in Bethesda, Maryland. 


Dental crowns use high-quality materials to completely cover all visible surfaces of a tooth. Crowns are most often made of porcelain or ceramic, although there are also metal options, including silver and gold. 


Dental bridges replace one or more missing teeth using artificial teeth secured in place by a dental crown on each adjacent natural tooth. There are also options to replace a tooth in the back of your jaw that only needs one crown as an anchor. 

If you need a dental crown or bridge, rest assured you are in the best hands when you rely on Art and Dentistry for your care. 

What kinds of problems can dental crowns correct? 

Dental crowns are a versatile restoration that can improve many different issues. Some of the reasons people come in for dental crowns include:

  • Covering a worn-down tooth
  • Correcting discoloration that whitening cannot resolve
  • Protecting a chipped or cracked tooth
  • Completing a root canal
  • Closing a gap between teeth
  • Securing a dental bridge

Crowns are also the visible portion of dental implants, although, in this use, they are not attached to your natural tooth tissue. 

What are the advantages of bridges?

Bridges offer a way to replace missing teeth without invasive procedures. While dental implants offer a permanent solution to missing teeth, they also require a form of oral surgery. Some people are not good candidates for dental implants, and bridgework offers a great alternative. 

Bridges are also less expensive than dental implants. Bridgework might be a great fit if you need to improve your smile on a budget. Because bridges are fixed in place, they offer a more secure tooth replacement treatment than dentures, which can shift out of position. 

If you’re considering a crown or bridge, reach out to the team at Art and Dentistry to explore your options. You’ll sit down with a dentist who can examine your teeth and explain all available treatment paths. Call today to get started.