
Dental Implants

Dental Implants services offered in Bethesda, MD

You have options when it comes to replacing missing teeth. Dental hygiene is one of those possibilities and is an area of specialty for Ellen Brodsky, DDS, Andrew Schliep, DDS, and the team at Art and Dentistry in Bethesda, Maryland. When you’re ready to get more information about dental implants, call Art and Dentistry today..

Dental Implants Q & A

Why is it so important to replace missing teeth?

When you’re missing one or more of your natural teeth, that gap in your smile makes it hard to feel confident when you speak or smile. But the issue goes far beyond aesthetics. Missing teeth is also a serious dental health problem. 

Teeth are held in place by a strong connection with the underlying bone. Each time you bite or chew, that bone receives the stimulation it needs to remain vital. Lose a tooth, and you also lose that stimulation. The bone beneath a missing tooth can begin to slowly wear away, weakening the connection between nearby teeth and bone. 

Missing teeth also change the dynamics of a healthy bite, which can place undue pressure on your remaining teeth. You may begin to notice that your teeth shift out of place or that upper and lower teeth begin to clash together during meals.  

What are dental implants?

Dental implants replace missing teeth permanently and also preserve your bone health. Individual implants consist of a metal post that replaces the root portion of your tooth and an artificial crown that replaces the visible portion of the tooth. A small abutment piece sometimes connects the post and crown. 

Systems like All-on-4® can replace an entire upper or lower span of missing teeth using just four implanted posts. This option is good for those lacking sufficient bone tissue for many individual implants. 

What are the steps involved in getting dental implants?

Your dentist begins by gathering digital imaging that shows the precise size, shape, and alignment of your teeth and bone tissue. That information goes into software that designs a customized post-placement plan.  

On the day of your procedure, your dentist administers an injection of a local anesthetic to keep you comfortable throughout your visit. They then create an incision in your gum tissue to access the underlying bone. 

 A small pilot hole guides the post into the proper position. Your dentist then closes your gums around the post, and healing begins. 

Once your bone begins to fuse with the post material, you return to have your new crown attached. This completes the restoration, and your new smile is ready to share. 

Call the office today to schedule a consultation if you’d like more information about dental implants. Online booking offers an alternative way to book appointments.